Prevention and Management of Aggression and Violence PMVA

Beginners - 2 Day Training

Refresher - 1 Day Training

Breakaway Training - 1 Day Training {new staff}

Breakaway Training - 4 hour Training {refresher}

Prevention and management of aggression and violence (PMAV) training is a valuable skill for anyone who works in a high-risk environment, such as health care, education, or social services. PMAV training can help you to:

- Recognize the signs and triggers of aggression and violence

- De-escalate potential conflicts using verbal and non-verbal communication

- Protect yourself and others from harm using physical and psychological techniques

- Respond appropriately to incidents of aggression and violence

- Support the recovery and well-being of yourself and others after a violent event

By participating in PMAV training, you can enhance your professional competence, confidence, and resilience. You can also contribute to a safer and more positive workplace culture, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Areas Covered

United Kingdom

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